Today I want to share with you some of those people that aren't really good looking but still can get a lot of smoosh smoosh.
Example number one:
Flo. The Progressive lady. For some reason, I would just to say I did. If she wasn't on those commercials, no way. She can save me so much money though even if its not with Progressive and she works in car insurance heaven, literally. Flo is pasty and already developed the rear made for these. If she took off those mom pants though, I wouldn't pass it up.
Example numero dos:
Adrien Brody. I can't really even name a movie he's in. I tend to steer away from flicks where noses take up half the screen. If anyone has ever seen the movie Perfume, you're left wondering how Mr. Brody wasn't cast for the man with the golden honker for scent. Brody is wanted by ladies somehow and its a huzzah for all men that have a facial feature make a film look like its in 3D when its only 2D.
Example number three:
Why wouldn't you want to try this one out? If she's popped out eight kids, seemed possessed and had low enough self-esteem to marry a balding Asian in his twenties at the time, wouldn't you? You really can't pass up Kate. Take away her celeb status and there's nothing to her. That aura mixed with her bitchy attitude makes it interesting to see how the results could be between four bedposts.
Yes, this post was completely off-topic of the norm, but this had been stewing for a long time and I want some more traffic for the page.
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